Welcome to the Roadside Raven Review!

Advocating for creative writers and poets!

Headquartered in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, we love reading the works of our local authors as well as writers from around the world and wanted to give a space to have them all located online for the public to read and enjoy as well.


Contact Our Fearless Leader

Tom Blessing

Calumet, MI


“A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language.”

– ~W. H. Auden

Here at the Roadside Raven Review, we applaud our authors and our editors equally. Granting them the space and ability to display their unique skillsets.

With a wide variety of different people with assorted backgrounds and upbringings, there’s no shortage of talent in the U.P.

We hold our team dear and pass no judgment on any of them.

Whether they’re new authors, just starting out. Whether they’ve been in their field for years. We accept and welcome them all.

If you or anyone you know is a writer, a poet, or an editor; have them submit or contact us!

We’d love to have you all.

Get in Touch

For questions, comments, wise cracks, or concerns; please contact us below.